This is not deep

Thoughts beyond the scope of Twitter

Posted by Eliehoenai on July 09, 2017
"Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
-Psalm 73:25-26

1. I think it's time to go back to church.
2. I really like clean drinking glasses. They are so clear and beautiful, like the water they hold. Maybe I should donate to a clean water provider, it's terrible that there are those without access to any.
3. I don't care much for typical polo shirts. They don't breathe well, and why is the sleeve tight??
4. Despite having dated, I did not realize how much I could love people before I met my closest friends today. Different kind of love, but still.
5. I also did not realize how much I could love people I barely know before meeting my cousins for the first time last year.
6. We look up to the sky when we think of God, but really He is right here with us anyway.
7. Polygamy will probably be re-legalized in the next 10 years.
8. It seems that college made me more cynical than I ever was before.
9. I tend to dislike nice things. Except nice clothes.
10. The problem with teaching people to examine their lives for problems, explaining that Jesus helps in those problems, is that when they realize He doesn't make everything all better, He becomes irrelevant.
11. There will not be cars in heaven.
12. Couldn't someone have told me to get a haircut when I was in middle school?
13. Martin Luther's 95 Theses were pretty solid.
14. It is very difficult to not judge people by their appearance.
15. The best time of day is a tie between dawn and dusk.
16. Adoption is pretty cool. Giving a child a home and showing them the love they deserve.
17. It bothers me when people only post serious things on social media. It sucks all the fun out of life. No matter how bad a situation becomes, one can still find good.
18. There exists great enjoyment in picking up stray golf and tennis balls.
19. There definitely seems to be a solid linguistic argument for why we can continue to say "you guys".
20. Those who think that we have a 100% correct translation of the Bible are definitely a little misguided.
21. Psalm 73:25-26 might be my favorite Bible verse.